Yael Wicki
What is dis-order?
Maud Constantin, Carina Erdmann, Mick Halsband, Gasthaus: Fermentation und Bacteria &
Yael Wicki
09.09.17: What is dis-order? – Maud Constantin, Carina Erdmann, Mick Halsband, Gasthaus: Fermentation und Bacteria and Yael Wicki
A visual and contextual approach to the question ‘what is dis-[1] order[2]?’ as part of the conceptualisation process of the dis- order project.
Carina Erdmann (* 1990 in Cologne, Germany) is an artist, curator, writer and currently following the classes of Josephine Pryde and Hito Steyerl at UdK Berlin DE. Her main focus lies on speculative narration of the non-human, being addressed in this years production ‘The House of Stories’ an immersive performance and sound installation featuring 10 writers + 10 performers on all 10 levels of the building at De Zwaan Auction House in Amsterdam, NL and the book publication of the therefor commissioned texts. She is also a co-founder of Plain Hearty Fare, serving new creations inspired by traditions and nutritious mythologies, processing the contemporary through metabolic activities, mutating the documentation of the gatherings into fiction.
Mick Halsband is a Berlin based engineer, researcher and writer. His research focus lies at the intersections of media, philosophy, technology, science and economy, and explores futurism through approachable practices.
For the tech industry, he had worked on mobile devices, flight simulators, computer vision for cinematography and applied data science and machine learning for trading algorithms, amongst others.
Yael Wicki (*1985 in Zurich, CH) is an artistic and curatorial researcher, currently studying under Doreen Mende, Kodwo Eshun, Gene Ray at the CCC Research MA programme at HEAD-genéve. After being the curatorial assistant of Basak Senova for ‘The Translation’ exhibition in Zurich, and running the Art Space ‘White Squat’ with Marc Hunziker
and Amos Bollag, she started curating larger group projects in order to bring in different points of view to one exhibition subject. Since her breakdown and border-line diagnose in 2013 she studies the role of mental health, understandings of norm(mation), rules, definitions and otherness in society, behaviour as well as in language. The aim is to question given positions and debating forms of emancipation thereof.
Maud Constantin is a Geneva based artist who curated the art space Forde, Geneva, together with Ramaya Tegegne and Tatiana Rhis from 2014-2016.
Gasthaus: Fermentation and Bacteria is a temporary kitchen inviting people to linger and to share ideas and knowledge. A big kitchen table, a shelf and a little bit of technique help to create and promote a safe zone for meeting, an active participation and exchange of knowlege. To cook ideas together literally means to stir up new ideas of subjectification and of social change.
Accompanying text by Carina Erdmann, Mick Halsband and Yael Wicki
All pictures by Cynthia Ammann